Engineered wood flooring is one of the most advanced flooring options offered on the market nowadays. Still, it remains under the umbrella of real wood flooring, therefore, there is an engineered wood floor sanding service available for your engineered wood floor too. Despite the fact that engineered wood is often mistaken to be the same thing as laminate, laminate flooring is not made out of real wood materials, unlike engineered wood. This is why laminate flooring cannot be sanded, but engineered wood floor sanding is a thing.
In fact, engineered wood floor sanding is one of the main reasons why people opt for this type of flooring. Engineered wood floor sanding ensures the floor can look as good and as fresh as when it was first installed and it takes only a timely and efficient service to achieve this. In addition, engineered wood floor sanding significantly improves the condition and long-lasting power of even-aged, tired, and distressed floors. Let’s learn more about engineered wood floor sanding.
Why Engineered Floor Sanding is Essential?
First things first, let’s see what is engineered wood and next we can continue with engineered wood floor sanding. Engineered wood is a man-made product from real wood materials, It consists of a core that is made out of a layer of wooden or lumber materials, such as plywood or softwoods. All layers are glued together crisscrossed, then topped with a layer of hardwood lamella. This layer of hardwood lamella is the reason why engineered wood floor sanding is possible. Engineered wood floor sanding is your opportunity to have your floor look like brand-new even after years of daily use and high traffic. Engineered wood floor sanding can also get rid of some issues and all imperfections on the surface. Due to everyday use, high traffic, heavy footfall, and a number of other factors, engineered wood floorboards can become worn, distressed, and struggle with some issues and imperfections with time. The job of engineered wood flooring is to get rid of all those issues and imperfections and allow you to enjoy a floor that looks and feels like it just has been installed.
Get a free quote and inspection of your engineered wood floor, just make a call on 020 88309782 and book free visit for engineered wood floor sanding in London.
What is Engineered Wood Floor Sanding?
Engineered wood floor sanding is a professional service with a pretty simple concept. Engineered wood floor sanding revolves around removing the top layer of the floorboards that consists of the worn finish and a very thin layer of the hardwood lamella. By doing so, engineered wood floor sanding is getting rid of all imperfections on the surface, including scratches, stains, dents, marks, small gaps, moisture damage, dirt build-ups, etc. The final result is a smooth and even surface of the floor that can be further treated with finishing, staining, and painting products for the look you enjoy.
Engineered Wood Floor Sanding and Refinishing
One more beneficial thing about engineered wood floor sanding is how beneficial and important it is for the refinishing process. Hardwood has a naturally porous structure. When engineered wood floor sanding is performed, the pores of the wooden structure are open. This means that after engineered wood floor sanding, the finishing and staining products can even soak into the wood’s structure, ensuring an even, smooth, and uniform coverage on the surface and additional protection and preservation by penetrating into the wood’s pores. Thanks to engineered wood floor sanding, you can rest assured your floor gets the best and strongest protection.
Engineered Wood Floor Sanding for a Beautiful Floor
Engineered wood floor sanding is the best way to ensure your floor looks its best. Even the smallest and finest imperfections such as fine scratches, little dents, and stains, can significantly affects the way your floor looks and make the floor look older than it is, more damaged, worn, and dull. However, engineered wood floor sanding is designed to get rid of those imperfections and ensure your floor looks as good as when it was first installed.
Engineered Wood Floor Sanding for a Better Condition
No matter how beneficial engineered wood floor sanding is for the way your floor looks, the most important purpose of engineered wood floor sanding is improving the condition of the floor. Engineered wood floor sanding can help the floor overcome some issues and problems and also prevent small issues growing into more serious problems. Unfortunately, there is such risk, when it comes to even the smallest and finest imperfections. However, if you don’t want to deal with expensive, stressful and time-consuming repair services or reach to the point beyond repair, make sure to always hire a professional engineered wood floor sanding service on time.
When to Consider Engineered Wood Floor Sanding?
Engineered wood floor sanding is recommended for both unfinished and newly installed floors and for floors that have been used for a longer period of time. When it comes to newly installed but unfinished flooring, engineered wood floor sanding is important for preparing the floorboards for the finishing process and for staining, if you want the floorboards to be stained. Of course, when it comes to floors that have been used for a few years and show signs of wear and tear or experience and struggle with some issues and imperfections, engineered wood floor sanding is highly recommended for improving their condition and ensure better protection before the refinishing stage.
Book free visit for engineered wood floor sanding in London today. Or give us a call on 020 88309782 to learn more about our engineered wood floor sanding services.
Did you know…
Engineered wood floor sanding can happen a few times in the lifespan of an engineered wood floor. How often your floor can be treated with a professional engineered wood floor sanding service highly depends on the thickness of the hardwood lamella layer. Some floors come with a thinner lamella and this means that engineered wood floor sanding can happen no more than two times. However, for floors with a thicker hardwood lamella layer, engineered wood floor sanding can be considered up to four times in the floor’s lifetime. Make sure to contact your local engineered wood floor sanding team and discuss this topic with them. A professional engineered wood floor sanding team with experience will always first inspect the condition of the floor and the top layer before proceeding with engineered wood floor sanding service. Always hire a professional engineered wood floor sanding team to provide you with a professional engineered wood floor sanding service and best results possible.